Speakers are repaired just in time for Homecoming at Wilmington High School. @WHSCaneAD https://t.co/nL2SP4RUO1
Wilmington High School Gym got an audio upgrade. Thank you for choosing BTG. https://t.co/2eRxl5YtlJ
Early morning delivery at Wilmington High School. New TV’s being added. Thank you @WCS_K12 for buying local! https://t.co/D1feKt6abj
Coach Killen is using the new wireless sound system so show off his dance moves! @WHSCane https://t.co/ERWGMIrr4E
Are you as excited as @skillen1212 is about the wireless new sound system at Alumni field? @WHSCaneAD https://t.co/Qr2JMIp0eN
RT @WHSCaneAD: Thanks once again to The Bowman Technology Group for improving our systems at WHS. The improved sound system at Alu… https://t.co/eDJCeXWIsq